Trolley Pole Dedication

On Friday, June 25, Historic Albany Foundation dedicates a plaque on one of two remaining original Belt Line trolley poles (c. 1890) in the City of Albany.  The pole is located near the corner of Western Avenue and Quail Street.

In 2015, during street reconstruction near the corner of Western Avenue and Quail Street, one of two remaining original trolley poles was removed by the City of Albany Water Department. After reconstruction was complete, neighbors and concerned citizens wondered what happened to the pole, as it had not been replaced.

Luckily, the Water Department had placed the trolley pole into storage, and a group of citizens paid to have the pole refurbished and restored, and it was re-installed near its original location.  Several members of Historic Albany Foundation have paid for the commemorative plaque for the dedication.

The other remaining original trolley pole is located near the corner of Hamilton and Lark Streets