DIY Resources
/Here is the information about the Hudson Valley and Columba Greene Community Colleges’ programs discussed in today’s Technical Tuesday as well as a few blogs, video resources, etc. for handy historic homeowners.
Hudson Valley Community College’s Historic Trades Program
Courses to be offered this fall
Historic Wood Window Rehabilitation
Historic Preservation Carpentry I
Historic Plaster Rehabilitation and Repair
Other courses in the program
Historic Masonry- Treatment & Repair
Columbia Greene Community College’s Construction Technology/Preservation Carpentry Program
Blogs, Forums, and Other Great Resources
National Parks Service Preservation Briefs
Good, short documents on the basics to give you better understanding of a variety of topics for historic building maintenance, repair, and restoration including wood window treatment, repointing basics, slate roofs, flat plaster repair, stucco repair, and so many more topics.
Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties
National guidelines on how to maintain, repair, restore, rehabilitate, and preserve historic buildings. These Standards are the basis for most local historic district ordinances, including Albany’s Historic Resources Commission Overlay district ordinance.
John Leeke’s Historic Homeworks
Great online forum to ask questions and get answers. Lots of information on wood window repair.
Old House Journal’s Online DIY Center
Articles on period paint, hardware restoration and repair, reusing salvage, window, doors, just about everything….
This Old House Online
Videos, articles, and DIY tips.