About the Director of Preservation Services, Cara Macri
Cara has been with Historic Albany for over a decade working on a wide variety of projects: helping historic property owners rehabilitate, restore, and maintain their historic properties, developing educational programming, grant writing, and managing the stabilization of the Van Ostrande-Radliff House.
Cara has a background in building conservation and written multiple National Register nominations including a nomination for a Frank Furness designed B & O train depot in Aberdeen, Maryland. She was also the co-author of a historic structures report for the Bretherns' Workshop at the Watervliet Shaker site. She has previously served on the Board of Directors for Troy Proctor's Foundation and the Aberdeen Room Museum and Historical Society.
When not focusing on historic buildings in Albany, Cara lives with her husband and brood of three children in their 1870s home in Troy. In the summer months, she can be found canning and gardening. In the cooler months, she is often baking something rainbow sprinkled with her children. Scones are their favorite.