Archaeology Begins! ... in the basement
/Why are we doing archaeology INSIDE you ask? To make the building fully accessible to all, we are putting an elevator and staircase on the east side of the large brick addition. This will require us to dig out a small portion of that addition's basement. This area is outside the footprint of the 1728 house and may have archaeological deposits dating to the house's earliest years or even before. We are also adding some additional structural supports for the west wall of the 1728 house. This means we will be putting footings near the original kitchen hearth in the house's basement.
So, to learn as much as we can about the house's earliest occupants, Hartgen Archeological Associates is trenching a portion of the basement in the addition and the 1728 house. They were there early this week getting set up and doing the initial trenching. The trench filled pretty quickly with water, but it is already yielding some interesting information. Hiding beneath the concrete and a layer of dirt is a brick floor and inlet pipe for..... something, presumably water or gas. There is also a deeper depression closer to the house. We can't wait to see what this feature yields!
Excavation will continue in a few weeks after the trenches have had some time to drain.
Keep an eye out for lectures and tours on the dig after work is completed!