Award Categories
Preservation Merit Award-winning projects are outstanding examples of restoration, rehabilitation or adaptive reuse that inspire other preservation efforts and serve as a model for best practices. These projects often utilize incentives the New York State and Federal Rehabilitation tax credits and overcome several challenges such as vacancy, severe deterioration, development or demolition pressure, or financial hardship.
Preservation Initiative Award-winning projects are commendable preservation efforts in which property owners deliberately chose to use historic building materials and techniques, often more time-consuming/labour-intensive methods, or to spend more money to be true to the historic character and maintain the architectural integrity of the property.
The Stewardship Award provides recognition typically to an organization for continued efforts in maintaining and restoring a historic structure or landscape (i.e. cemetery, park conservancy) through financial, organizational or physical challenges.
The Main Street Award gives recognition for downtown or “Main Street” revitalization efforts. These projects “bucks the trend” of commercial activities moving to the suburbs and takes the perceived substantial risk of (re)locating in the city core or at the key Main Street locations in struggling neighborhoods.
Certificates of Recognition acknowledge individuals, organizations or businesses who have made a noteworthy contribution to local preservation efforts.
The Sustainable Cities Award applauds the implementation of important urban planning concepts such as successful building reuse, maintaining/recreating density in downtown, and sustainable/green efforts which are not restoration or rehabilitation projects, but are clearly in line with preservation ideals and Historic Albany’s advocacy efforts.
The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes the long-term efforts of someone who has made a substantial impact on the community and preservation in Albany in general. Often having been involved in multiple preservation efforts through in-kind or pro-bono services, professional skills, leadership or advocacy efforts.*
The Katherine Onufer Young Preservationist Award recognizes the efforts of a person 40 or younger who has made a substantial impact on the community and preservation in Albany in general.*
The Architectural Parts Warehouse Award recognizes an individual who is deeply dedicated to reusing salvaged architectural parts in restoration and reuse projects. They take the time and effort required to restore, rework, and retrofit old house parts into new uses. Their dedication to retaining the charm, style and workmanship of these old pieces is to be applauded. This person is an exemplary role model for architectural restoration and the use of salvaged materials and Historic Albany Foundation commends their work in this area.
*Historic Albany does not accept nominations for the Lifetime Achievement, Katherine Onufer, and Architectural Parts Warehouse Awards and gives this award at the Foundation’s discretion.
Past Preservation Merit Awardees
Click images to see detailed images of past Preservation Merit Award winning projects, organizations and individuals.