Sponsor the #StoopStroll2021

Dear Friends:

 The annual Hidden City House & Garden Tour, a much anticipated June event since 1975, which benefits Center Square Association, Hudson/Park Neighborhood Association and Historic Albany Foundation is being reinvented this year. 

Last year, we couldn't hold it at all; this year it's being reimagined as a "Stoop Stroll" because we felt it's still a bit early for people to be comfortable opening their homes and gardens. And, because everything takes place in public spaces, it's not possible to fundraise through the customary sale of tickets. Thus, we are asking attendees for an optional $10 suggested donation.  We are also seeking business and personal sponsorships. This document explains the various levels and the perks associated with each. 

If you, friends or relatives work for a corporation or own a business that you think might be interested in supporting this year’s efforts, please take a look at the higher sponsorship levels. One neighborhood business told us that he thinks this is a good way to get his name in the public eye and support the three community non-profit organizations at the same time. 

 We thought perhaps the $25 "Daisy" level might appeal to individuals as a way of recognizing and thanking someone for their service to the community. We can think of many individuals who deserve applause. There may be someone who has extended a personal kindness to you and you'd like to give them a special shout-out

 As always, we appreciate the community’s ongoing support, and all contributions are tax-deductible. 

 We hope to see many of you "Strolling" through the Center Square and Hudson/Park Neighborhoods on June 26th, and enjoying the day-long events in Hudson-Jay Park!


The Stupendous Stoop Stroll Committee