Room 206- Albany High: The Door to More

Room 206 - Albany High

The Door To More 
by Ann Kennedy

In early February, I saw that The Historic Albany Foundation had acquired the doors from “The Old Albany High School,” which, to me, meant that they now had the doors from the place I had my first teaching job in:  Philip Schuyler Elementary School.  So nostalgic!

I scrolled through the pictures of the doors, and while I did, all the memories came back-the way the doors squeaked when you opened them, the smell of the wood, the glass rattling if they were slammed…“Wonder if they have my door..”, I thought to myself.  Well, that was not the only question I had at that point-I could not remember the number of the door to my first classroom!  This posed a problem for me…I called in the troops-Barbara and Carol, who were my neighbors on either side of that first classroom I taught in.  It wasn’t easy for them to remember their classroom numbers either.  However, after some back and forth, we determined with somewhat certainty that my classroom was Room 206.  A quick call to Earl, at The Historic Albany Foundation, confirmed that my door, 206, was still there.  I put it on hold to purchase.  Unable to pinpoint exactly why, I felt such joy to have a piece of the building that I began my career in.  I was going to have a piece of that building forever.

I have my former principal, Jerry Spicer, to thank for the job at Philip Schuyler Elementary School-he had faith in me, and offered a start to my career.  The physical building was HUGE.  We had 1000 students!  And in Room 206, about 20 of them were under the care of Barbara McKenna, and me. 
And why am I telling you all of this? 

The answer is that this is the story of the door to Room 206.  That door opened to hundreds of smiling faces on the first days of school over the years.  It opened and you heard the buzz of new learning.  Opening that door meant you were walking into the lives of the students sitting there.  Truly into their lives-you became their family, their nurse, their counselor, their confidant, their everything.  And I was so proud to be there for them.

The truth is that this is so much more than just a door.  For me, it represents not only the beginning of a career that I am now 28 years into, but also lifelong friendships established at Philip Schuyler Elementary School.  Personally, the door is symbolic of commitment, determination, respect and hard work. These characteristics also describe the faculty and staff I was fortunate enough to work there with.  This door fondly reminds me of them. And of course, the kids.  I wonder how many little hands opened this door over the years…

I’ve always had the memories.  The people, the successes, the challenges, the camaraderie, the growth, the learning.  Now I have a concrete momento.  The door to Room 206 is mine again.

Advocacy Update:Elijah Missionary Baptist Church

A space heater and lack of insurance has caused the South End to lose a venerable part of its community.  Located at 74 Second Avenue, and formerly known as Our Lady Help of Christians, the structure, built in 1880 as a German Catholic church, was an integral part of the South End community for generations.  Most recently, under Rev. Comithier the congregation was known as the Elijah Missionary Baptist Church.

On Friday morning, HAF as well as the rest of the community, awoke to the news of the devastating overnight fire, and hoped that the damages were not fatal to the survival of the building.  According to Mayor Kathy Sheehan, "After thorough inspection of the Elijah Missionary Baptist Church by our buildings professionals and consideration of any potential stabilization efforts, we have determined in the interest of public safety the remaining portion of the church must be removed due to the damage sustained by the recent fire. The investigation has determined the fire was caused by a space heater on the second floor of the church. Despite this unfortunate outcome we greatly appreciate Historic Albany's continued partnership in furtherance of our historic preservation efforts."

The city of Albany’s engineer was on the scene on Friday morning, as well as local developers, to determine if the building could be retrofitted for another use if the side walls and front could be saved.  However, HAF learned this week that the fire went up the front tower which acted like a chimney.  This in turn weakened the structure to the point that it was deemed too unsafe and unstable to put workers inside and in harm’s way.  The tower was still smoldering on Wednesday afternoon this week when we visited the property.

For more information on the history of this beautiful building, it’s congregations and the neighborhood, please go to:

Historic Albany's Annual Meeting Recap

Historic Albany's Annual Meeting Recap

Last week, the Cathedral of All Saints hosted Historic Albany for our annual Preservation Merit Awards and Annual Meeting. We lauded 14 projects and individuals. During the annual meeting, we elected a new slate of officers and six members began a new three year term. Three board members rolled off the board after completing their terms and four new members joined the board. 

Matt Malette, President
Shawn Morris, 1st Vice President
Robert Coughlin, Treasurer
Tammy Gaynor, Secretary

Michelle Bruck
Schuyler Bull
Robert Coughlin

Kori Graves
Stephen Hickey
Salvator (Jake) Capecelatro



Padraic Bambrick

While born and raised on Long Island, Padraic Bambrick has called Albany, more specifically the Center Square-Hudson Park Historic District, his home for the majority of the last two decades. Mr. Bambrick now lives with his partner Cara in the Grange Sard, Jr. House overlooking Washington Park. As a lobbyist, he spends his days walking the halls of another Richardsonian Romanesque building, the New York State Capitol.

He received a bachelor’s degree in history at SUNY Albany and began a career in politics at the tail end of the Pataki administration, representing non-profits such as the Bronx Zoo and Fortune-500 companies alike. He recently earned an MBA in a part-time program while working as Manager of State Government Affairs at National Grid, where he continues to work to this day.

Working at National Grid to arbitrate customer concerns and simply listening to his neighbors while walking through Center Square, Mr. Bambrick is keenly aware of the priority placed on building preservation and the need to support the natural and cultural heritage of the City of Albany. Mr. Bambrick takes pride in the history of Albany and its national and global footprint and strives to pass that sentiment on to future generations.

Elizabeth Benjamin

Liz Benjamin is Managing Director – Albany, for Marathon Strategies, a full-service communications and public affairs firm based in New York City. Prior to joining Marathon, Liz was a reporter with more than two decades of experience covering Capital Region, state and New York City government and politics. Over her career, Liz covered a wide array of complex and controversial policy debates – including in the historic preservation sphere. Her expertise includes print, TV and digital reporting and commentary. Liz began her career at the Albany Times Union, where she spent 10 years moving from covering local government and Albany City Hall to the state Capitol. While at the Capitol, she was the paper’s lead political reporter and launched Capitol Confidential, the Capitol’s first blog, which is still going strong. She then spent four years at the New York Daily News as a political blogger and columnist. For the final eight years of her journalistic career, Liz hosted “Capital Tonight,” a landmark political and policy show on Spectrum News, and edited the show’s companion blog, State of Politics.


Paige Barnum -

Paige Barnum is a Senior Planner with the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (OPRHP). She has worked as a planner with the agency since 2018. Prior to joining OPRHP, Barnum worked in several local government offices–from Oxford, Mississippi to Los Angeles, California–focusing principally on current and historic preservation planning practice. Barnum completed her Masters in Regional Planning from Cornell University in 2017 and achieved the American Institute of Certified Planner credential from the American Planning Association in 2020. Barnum currently serves on the executive board of the Albany Public Library Board of Trustees; the executive board of the Center Square Neighborhood Association; and as a member of the City of Albany's Board of Zoning Appeals.


April Fallon

I am originally from Long Island and went to RPI for my undergraduate degree in Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Studies. I really enjoyed my time there. What I wasn't expecting was to enjoy the Capital Region so much. What can I say, I fell in love with the historic downtowns and the charming homes and scenery of the area. I started looking at listings in the area and dreaming of one day giving new life to an old house. I thought to myself "it would be so wonderful if I could help others find their dream homes" ... and so I started the journey of getting my real estate license. Just this year I bought a home built in 1884 and have been working hard to preserve it. Since becoming a realtor, I have tried to capture some of the historic homes and buildings that Albany and the capital region are so lucky to have. It has been amazing reaching so many people through social media and I can't wait to continue to give Albany's history a voice and work toward its preservation with HAF."

This year we also bid a fond farewell to three board members. Matt Scheidt and Fran Altshuler have both served on the HAF board for three 3-year terms for a total of nine years. Angela Sicker has served for three years. We thank them for their committed service and dedication and wish them well!


The impact in Albany of the US Supreme Court’s Decision in Tyler V Hennepin County by Sam Wells

Back on May 25th, the US Supreme Court made a ruling in the Tyler V. Hennepin County case that has had severe ripple effects on state tax foreclosure systems, national land bank efforts, and consequently historic preservation efforts across at least a dozen states including New York. Below is a brief description of the case from the Center for Community Progress (a national leader in the fight against blight and vacant buildings):

“In the case, 94-year-old Geraldine Tyler stopped paying taxes on her condominium after moving to assisted living. Hennepin County, Minnesota repeatedly warned Ms. Tyler that she could lose her property and offered payment plans and resources to assist her. The property also had unresolved liens in the form of mortgage and HOA fees. After more than five years of not paying property taxes (during which she accrued $15,000 in unpaid taxes, interest, and fees) the County foreclosed on and took possession of the property, sold it at auction roughly fifteen months later for $40,000, and retained the excess $25,000 from the sale. The Supreme Court ruled that by allowing the County to keep the surplus from the property sale, Minnesota law violates the “takings clause” of the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

The Court has now made clear that state tax foreclosure processes must provide an opportunity for property owners to recover any “excess value” in their property that might exist beyond the amount of unpaid taxes, interest, fees, and costs at the conclusion of the foreclosure. Minnesota will have to amend its statute to provide that opportunity, which may require it to subject all properties to a public auction at the conclusion of the tax foreclosure or to appraise or otherwise value the property and then include a mechanism to return excess amounts, if any, to the property owner.”

There are many different forms of tax foreclosure across the nation (you can read the Center for Community Progress’s report on those systems here). What’s important to know is that municipalities and counties across New York State (including Albany County) utilize a very similar form of tax foreclosure, which the US Supreme Court just ruled as unconstitutional. When a property owner in the City of Albany fails to pay their taxes, they can have their property seized by Albany County, who in turn gives the property over to the Albany County Land Bank for sale to a new owner. Any proceeds from that sale are kept by the Land Bank, who often uses the proceeds to fund their operations. This form of tax foreclosure has been an important tool for municipalities and land banks across the State, allowing localities to acquire control over problematic properties without significant legal constraints and to utilize the excess value from certain sales to subsidize properties that are “upside-down” or “underwater” and need more money in repairs than they are worth on the open market. Here in Albany, the Albany County Land Bank has used the “excess value” from the sale of properties in Colonie and Loudonville to subsidize the rehabilitation of historic properties in neighborhoods such as Albany’s South End. That practice is now practically impossible thanks to the US Supreme Court’s ruling.

The New York State Legislature reacted to the news by placing a one year moratorium on all tax foreclosures across the State (Senate Bill S7549A, Assembly Bill A7763) back in June. While a temporary pause on foreclosures until a better system is worked out may sound like a good thing, it can have a disastrous effect on properties that are currently in the tax foreclosure pipeline. As Assemblywoman Pat Fahy noted for the Times Union when she voted against the moratorium,

”I am concerned that any delays in proceedings could end up to leading to more demolitions, which have been a problem in Albany”.

Currently, Albany County has fallen behind on conducting tax foreclosures, which normally is a 3-4 year process. If you stopped paying your property taxes in 2017 you still own your property. This backlog is due in large part to the 2 years of moratoriums New York State placed on foreclosures in response to the pandemic beginning in 2020. The foreclosure procedure itself is a legal process that can take up to a year to proceed through the court system, which meant that as Albany County was moving forward with its first foreclosures since the pandemic this summer, the State Legislature stopped those in their tracks when they imposed a one year moratorium. What’s even more upsetting about this moratorium is that most of the vacant buildings sold by the Albany County Land Bank would not be subject to the Supreme Court’s ruling, as the sale prices are often lower than what the owed taxes were in the first place.  This bill has not yet been signed by the Governor, who has until the end of the calendar year to sign it, veto it, or edit it through a chapter amendment process.

As Pay Fahy was alluding to in her comments, continued deterioration with no maintenance will eventually lead to buildings falling further and further into disrepair, which will at some point lead to emergency demolitions. Buildings that do make it through this extended foreclosure process will likely  have suffered from significant deterioration, making it more expensive and difficult to rehab and save, consequently limiting the pool of people the Land Bank will have to choose from who have the knowledge and money to save these buildings. Vacant buildings do not fix themselves, and localities are often hamstrung by property owner’s rights and slow-moving court systems in trying to gain control over these properties to stop the deterioration. The tax foreclosure process was one of our best tools in solving for not only the physical condition of the property, but also the legal ownership of the property. There are also significant implications on the long term health and sustainability of the State’s Land Banks, as they all rely significantly on property sales to fund their operations.

While the US Supreme Court did not go as far as some feared in upending the tax foreclosure process utilized by Minnesota and New York, it still has caused ripple effects that we have not yet fully realized and raised questions as to what comes next. As Community Progress noted in their response,

“Most people understand property taxes are a necessary part of the social contract that shapes and strengthens our communities. Indeed, most local governments report that almost all owners pay their property taxes on time.

The problem is what happens when a property owner can’t—or won’t—pay their fair share and walks away from the property. As the notices, warnings, and fines pile up and the property slides into delinquency and towards tax foreclosure, we ask a very important question: What is the most fair and equitable way to balance the interests of the property owner who has walked away from their obligations, with the interests of the community?”