Kenwood - A Timeline of the Past 15 Years

Timeline on Kenwood / Sacred Heart Convent / Former Doane Stuart School

A timeline of the past 15 years includes*:


Doane Stuart School fails to reach an agreement to purchase the campus from the Sisters of the Sacred Heart


Doane Stuart School relocates to Rensselaer

Michael Cleary makes an offer then backs out

Property listed for sale again as developable land, notes the buildings could be demolished


HAF lists on the Endangered Historic Resources List, Preservation League of New York State list on Seven to Save

Michael Cleary makes an offer again


HAF hosts Davis Downing Symposium to draw attention to the architecture


Mike Cleary attempts to put a project together, the sale does not go through

New York State Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation  tours building as part of the initial phases for listing the building on the National Register, process stops when the developer walks away from the project;


A hospitality developer from New Jersey and another developer attempt to put projects together, but come to nothing;

Sonny Bonacio attempts to purchase Kenwood, then withdraws his plans for a $30 million, 125-luxury apartment project


An anonymous developer attempts to purchase Kenwood

Kenwood Commons, LLC owned by CEO Sandy Schaefer purchases Kenwood for $18 million

Kenwood Commons, LLC proposes to develop a $500 million massive project on the 75-acre property including 13 apartment buildings with 1,700+ apartments, two hotels totaling 575 rooms, six clusters of townhomes totaling 305 units, in addition to retail and public space that would include an art gallery and amphitheater.

Kenwood Commons sues the City of Albany in an Article 78 proceeding filed with the Supreme Court in Albany County challenging the need for Planning Board review of its building permit application.


Kenwood Commons, LLC project stops work and walks away as the developer owes millions of dollars in loan debt, overdue taxes, and $600,000 in contractor services to at least 15 businesses.  It is interesting to note that the project did not seek tax breaks through the Albany Industrial Development Agency, nor did it acquire historic tax credits, which left financing up to developers.

Lender begins foreclosure proceedings on $5 million loan to Kenwood Commons, LLC.

HAF meets with the City of Albany Planning Department to request Kenwood be listed as a local historic site.  Unfortunately, this request was not granted due to the condition that a property needs to be seen from a public roadway or street, and Kenwood is located on a private road.

Kenwood Commons listed for sale for $60 million amid back taxes and contractor liens


The City of Albany boards up windows and doors left open to the elements by Kenwood Commons, LLC for a cost of $42,000, which will be added to the current outstanding tax bill of over $2 million. 


Ongoing … The City of Albany continues to monitor and re-board the buildings, kicking out teenagers and squatters.  

January 11:  HAF meets with Rick LaJoy and Sam Wells from the City of Albany about vacant buildings in general and discusses getting a group of investors and others together to find a solution for Kenwood, a la Central Warehouse.

March 23rd:  Kenwood burns.  Investigation is ongoing.  

For additional information on the history of this important property, please visit,

*This may not be an exhaustive list of attempted buyers and projects